2007-10-21  830 评论

To be with you —Mr.big



  主唱:艾立克.马汀(Eric martin)
  吉他:宝罗.格里波特(Paul gilbert)
  贝司:比利.舍汉(Billy Sheehan)
  鼓手:帕特 托佩(Pat torpey)
在比利加入前,当时乐队只有三个人,但仍然是很好的重金属乐队,他们是很会使用失真音乐的乐队,但是没有一个贝斯手肯定是不行的。这个时候比利的到来无疑是一股东风,因为比利音乐圈里的一个贝斯高手,很有知名度,他同“克莱普顿”的贝斯手、以及外号“大胡子”的贝斯手共同成为当时最热门的三大贝斯手。那时候对于比利来讲,Mr.Big只不过是一个次要的“方案”,比利刚刚离开了大卫.李.罗斯(David Lee Roth)的乐队并曾经是达拉斯乐队(TALAS)的原始成员。但可能他自己也没想到,正是因为参加了Mr.Big这支乐队,才真正使他名扬四海。  比利的加入使得 MR.BIG成了一个“超级乐队”,因为原来的三位成员也各怀绝技,主唱:艾立克.马汀(是一位绝对个性十足的歌手,他的嗓音更是特别,难以模仿。吉他手宝罗.格里波特是一位吉他演奏技术大师,他的技术性无法挑剔,滴水不露,炉火纯青。鼓手:帕特托佩 潇洒激情,魅力耀眼。技术精湛是Mr.Big这支乐队的立足点,通过吉他和贝斯出神入化的配合,加以鼓的框架结构,使得歌手演唱如鱼得水。他们也是摇滚三大件中最典型的组合。尤其是BILLY的贝斯演奏让人惊叹!在别人眼里好像是难以驾驭的野马般的贝斯,在他的手里却如温顺的山羊,任他摆布。他的贝斯技巧难度甚至让很多吉他手都自叹不如。 Mr.Big这支乐队的确是以硬派摇滚而著称于世的,但恰恰是他们的慢歌流传最广。其中有两首最为著名,一首是《WILD WORLD》一首是《TO BE WITH YOU 》。尽管他们解散的消息时有时无,但人们一听到这旋律就好像一下子回到了他们的音乐世界里。
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《To Be With You》这首歌被Westlife翻唱过,是Olympus广告歌之一。
Hold on little girl
show me what he's doone to you
stand up little girl
a broken heart can't be that bad
when it's through, it's through
fate will twist the both of you
so come on baby come on over
let me be the one to show you

i'm the one who wants to be with you
deep inside i hope you feel it too
waited on a line of greens and blues
just to be the next to be with you

build up your confidence
so you can be on top for once
wake up who cares about
little boys that talk too much
i seen it all go down
your game of love was all rained out
so come on baby, come on over
let me be the one to hold you

i'm the one who wants to be with you
deep inside i hope you feel it too
waited on a line of greens and blues
just to be the next to be with you

why be alone when we can be together baby
you can make my life worthwhile
and i can make you start to smile


when it's through, it's through
fate will twist the both of you
so come on baby come on over
let me be the one to show you

i'm the one who wants to be with you
deep inside i hope you feel it too
waited on a line of greens and blues
just to be the next to be with you


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: