2010-06-24  593 评论

消失在地平线 Death Cab for Cutie

Death Cab for cutie, 来自华盛顿柏林汉姆的四人Indie Pop乐团Death Cab for Cutie成立于1997年,默默无闻两年之后他们签到了独立厂牌Barsuk(俄语獾熊的意思),并且成功的推出了三张专辑。去年10月份发行的这张《Transatlanticism》(横贯大西洋主义)是他们在Barsuk旗下发行的第四张录音室作品了,不知道他能否续写三年前专辑《We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes》的辉煌。乐队的名字来自英国六十年代末著名迷幻乐队The Bonzo Dog Band的处女作专辑《Gorilla》里的一首歌的名字,他们不愿对此解释过多,只说去听听那首歌就知道了。Death Cab for Cutie的才华在他们的首张专辑里《Something About Airplanes》里就崭露头角,一曲迷幻气息浓厚的《President Of What》里的风琴和唱腔犹如The Doors的重显就让人们大吃一惊。可是这只是乐队对自己过去的怀念罢了,乐队于2000年发行的专辑《We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes》以全新的Indie Pop姿态示人,专辑中的歌曲清新馍人。
多数Death Cab for Cutie的歌都像是歌者的自述,他讲的都是生活中的领悟和对未来的美好憧憬。乐队主唱Ben Gibbard说:“我们的歌曲是真诚的,也许我们会为丘比特的冷落而忧心忡忡,也许我们不会把痛苦和听众分享,但是我们只是想唱一些快乐的歌曲与别人分享。”可是不幸在2000年的夏天降临到乐队身上,一连串的事故让这几个年轻人心灰意冷,先是乐队因为经理人的问题产生了激烈的矛盾,然后鼓手Nathan Good的离开让乐队几乎解散。好在最后乐队克服了这些矛盾,他们找来了新的鼓手Michael Schorr并且录制了一张纪念这段经历的EP《Forbidden Love》。2003年出版这张专辑《Transatlanticism》之前,乐队又加入了新的成员,也许这对他们来说是一个新的开始.

Artist: Death Cab for Cutie
Song:My Mirror Speaks

With every sun that sets I am feeling more
Like a stranger on a foreign shore
With an eroding beach disappearing from underneath

And when my mirror speaks it never minces words
Cause these eyes don't shine half as bright
As they used to do and they haven't for quite a while

Cause I'm a man who hides from all that binds
And a mess of fading lines
And there's a tangled thread inside my head
With nothing on either end

I always fall in love with an open door
With a horizon on an endless sea
As I look around the ones who were standing
right in front of me

And then my mirror speaks with a reverence
Like a soldier I can't command
It sees a child in the body of a full-grown man

And he's a man who hides from all that binds
And a mess of fading lines
And there's a tangled thread inside his head
With nothing on either end
There's nothing on either end

A new position for a different view
And nothing changes but the slightest hues
And I am standing face to face

With a man who hides from all that binds
And a mess of fading lines
And there's a tangled thread inside his head
With nothing on either end

I'm a man who hides from all that binds
And a mess of fading lines
And there's a tangled thread inside my head
With nothing on either end

There's nothing on the ends
No, there's nothing on the ends


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: