2014-09-17  1,059 评论

We Are Here– Alicia Keys


Alicia Keys艾莉西亚·凯斯是美国R&B音乐界在进入新世纪之后冉冉升起的一名中生代女歌手,出道以来就以其与年龄不相称的成熟和才华取得了非常令人惊异的成就,成为新一代R&B女歌星中的最杰出的代表。尽管年纪轻轻,但是Alicia Keys的创作才华以及富有的创新精神,使她敢于大胆的对自己的音乐做出改变,融合R&B,爵士,Hip-Hop,对于传统的灵魂乐做出变革,形成自己的风格,这在同年龄段的歌手中是绝无仅有的。

一曲《Girl On Fire》让Alicia Keys的强劲唱功漂洋过海,霸气十足!迷倒一片歌迷,这次枪姐Alicia Keys治愈新单《We Are Here》超清mv大首播!

Alicia Keys 治愈新单《We Are Here》


We Are Here-- Alicia Keys

We Are Here原版MV

Alicia Keys艾莉西亚·凯斯是美国R&B音乐界在进入新世纪之后冉冉升起的一名中生代女歌手,出道以来就以其与年龄不相称的成熟和才华取得了非常令人惊异的成就,成为新一代R&B女歌星中的最杰出的代表。尽管年纪轻轻,但是Alicia Keys的创作才华以及富有的创新精神,使她敢于大胆的对自己的音乐做出改变,融合R&B,爵士,Hip-Hop,对于传统的灵魂乐做出变革,形成自己的风格,这在同年龄段的歌手中是绝无仅有的。

The day I wrote this song, I was sitting in a circle of people of all ages and we were asked, “Why are you here.” Why am I here?? This really hit me on a deep level. I realized no one had ever asked me that question before. As I prepare to give birth to a new child, I can't help and think about the world I'm bringing my baby into. No matter where we come from, when we see the state of the world today, we can all feel the growing frustration and desire to make a difference. And we all have a voice - we just need to know how to make it heard.

I have a vision that I believe is more than a dream, that I know can be our reality.

I believe in an empowered world community built on the true meaning of equality – where we are all considered one people, regardless of race, religion, gender, zip code, belief system or sexual orientation.

I believe all of our voices should be heard, so that our representation reflects our population. We need our leadership to reflect an equal balance of the gifts that both men and women have to offer.

I believe in a world where every child born receives a quality education – where their unique gifts are nurtured so that they may be a beneficial presence in this world.

I believe in mutual respect and cooperation among all peoples and all nations. It is time to end all forms of racial injustice for our black brothers and sisters and all people of color.

I believe in an end to the prison industrial complex in America and a renewed justice system that is based on fairness and truth.

I believe in universal global health care based on Integrative Medicine, so that our bodies are acknowledged and treated as one system, and we can help control the spread of diseases like AIDS, Malaria, TB and Ebola.

I believe we have an ability to end poverty, oppression, and hopelessness that often breeds despair, terror, and violence.

I believe in common sense gun laws that serve to protect children and families and society from unnecessary violence.

I believe in Peace & Love & Unity.

I believe that this vision can be a reality.

And, it’s not about me. It’s about WE.

Together we can give birth to a kinder and more peaceful world for ALL children.

Our souls were brought together so that we can love each other sister, brother. We Are Here. We are here for all of us. That's why #WeAreHere.

Sent with Light,

Alicia Keys


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: