2007-09-30  884 1

Pure Chill-Out(CHILL OUT音乐)

快节奏的生活让人们感到疲惫不堪,当你繁忙了一天后,在休息之与冲上杯咖啡或者喝杯啤酒跟几个朋友一起享受幸福生活的时候,不防来点CHILL OUT音乐, 让自己放松一下.这套来自意大利的chill out音乐集就不多介绍了,听过《德玛咖啡屋》的朋友就按照那个思路走吧~

“Chill Out”泛指一种富于悠闲意象的电子音乐,常蕴涵强烈的ambient音乐元素,予以深沉的空间聆听感,其本意为放松、休闲。这种类型音乐与其它跳舞功能性较强的电子舞曲相比,更注重旋律性而不是强力的节奏,更多是结合不同电子音乐元素,并可融合民族音乐、古典、爵士等曲风各异的音乐类型,其范围可能涵盖Trip hop、Drum & Bass、Hip hop等具有懒洋洋、慢节奏特点的音乐类型。



V.A. - Cafe Privee - The Chill Out Experience - Front-370.jpg


01. Angie Passarella - Echoe
02. Emma Peel - Spynight
03. 5th Suite - Lulu
04. Michelle Jones - Just the same
05. Kalenda do Sol - Omissis
06. Waves and Clouds - Jerusalem
07. Emma Peel - Soft Ice
08. Mutant Beat - First Song
09. Stefano Raffaelli - Horus Children Song
10. Waves and Clouds - Why
11. Kalenda do Sol - Freccia del Sud
12. Ethnogang - Debugger




01. PaoLo di Cioccio - New York Calling
02. Mutant Beat - As A Dream
03. Cimarosa Sound Department - Connected
04. Riccardo Moretti - Slow Mood
05. Ethnogang - Come And Down
06. Cimarosa Sound Collective - Peaceful And Quiet
07. Michelle Jones - Someone Special
08. Sergeant Benton - Bahia
09. Silver Dj Feat. M.Gooper + L. GREEN - Let's Get Cozy
10. Stefano Raffaelli - Sometime
11. Sergeant Benton - Sontaran Experiment
12. Gianfranco Grilli - The Sand Of The Desert




01. Bartok - Vertigo2
02. B. Wells Octet vs Future Pilote A.K.A - Requiem Pour Un Con
03. Anjali' - Hymn To The Sun
04. Samuel Paganini - In The Place Of Secrets
05. Flanger - Bosco's Disposable Driver
06. Bows - DJ
07. Open Transports - Air Bubbles
08. Samuel Paganini - The Electric Party part. 1 & 2
09. Gak Sato - Post Echo
10. The Transistors - Cocktail Di Neve In oro
11. Thievery Corporation - Indra
12. Four Tet - Everything Is Alright
13. Spiral - Game Over
14. Astronaughty - O.G.M.
15. Astronaughty - Abanuea
16. Floor Project - Never More
17. Lemon Jelly - In The Bath
18. Pan - Femme Fatale



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: